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Las Vegas Real Estate Blog

Your Las Vegas real estate information source. The latest news, new construction, scandals, additions to the strip and other Las Vegas and related information.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do not attempt to tune your television

We are in control. We are in control of the horizontal. The vertical...okay you get the point. A few days before the candle light vigil I was interviewed by Channel 3 news about the high rise market in Las Vegas. The interview was a follow up to coverage of a city council meeting in which Mayor Goodman was demanding some answers from some downtown high rise developers. Most of the projects downtown are showing signs of construction, with the noticeable exception of Club Renaissance and Sandhurst. The following night Jacqui was on Channel 3 about the issues at Lied shelter. Now back to anonymity.



At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say I noticed your blog right away when I did a Google search. You do a good job of being current for Las Vegas.

I heard somewhere that Las Vegas was growing at the fastest rate of any city in the U.S. Is this true?

Marc -- SavePress Money Journal


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