In October of 2003, our Pekingese, Toyneka managed to squeeze out a tiny opening between our fence and the wall. She had had eye surgery earlier in the month and had lost a little weigh as a result of having to wear an E collar. Frantically we looked for her, put up hundreds of flyers, ran ads in the paper and contacted every veterinarian's office in a 25 mile radius...and never found her. After Christmas I put up more flyers farther away from my house and still nothing. In February, my wife was at the Dewey animal shelter and had thought she had found her. After getting a better look, she knew it wasn't Toy. But we ended up taking her home anyway. The Peke who we named Harriett was in very bad shape. Dewey animal shelter doesn't do any vet work unless a dog is adopted during the 3 days they are eligible. After the three days, they are euthanized. Harriett was on her last day when we adopted her. Her eye had ruptured and was oozing fluid, her nails were curved under and growing into the pads of her feet. She also needed three teeth pulled. The Black mountain VCA hospital in Henderson did an excellent job of fixing her up. She lived with us for the next 14 months. On Friday, April 22nd, she had to be put down due to kidney failure. She wouldn't eat and was wasting away. Sunday, April 24, we received a call from the
Animal Rescue League of Iowa, stating that they have found a Pekingese with a microchip registered to us. One of the staff contacted Mr. Smith, the gentleman who found her and turned her in. His wife emailed us some pictures they took of her. Some how, she got
1400 hundred miles away.
I flew to Phoenix with a connecting flight to Iowa yesterday. Heather Starr, from the Animal rescue league, met me at the airport with the local news. We drove out to their facility where I was reunited with Toy. The local paper also carried the story and she was front page news. I can't thank Mr. Smith and the staff at the rescue league enough for their kindness. They not only took care of her, but they had her groomed and gave her everything necessary for the trip home. Today she is getting reacquainted with our other pets at our home in Las Vegas. If you are thinking your pet doesn't need a chip because they are an indoor only animal, think again. That is exactly what Toy is. She is an indoor dog. Don't chance fate. Get them chipped. You can get a low cost chip from the Lied animal shelter on Mojave 702-384-3333 if you are in the Las Vegas area, in Des Moines at the Animal Rescue League or at your local shelter.
For microchip information, visit
Homeagainid.com, or ask your vetrinarian.
Click here for the Des Moines Register story.
Labels: dogs