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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Candlelight vigil anniversary

This Friday, February 22nd, there will be a candlelight vigil to remember the thousands of animals that lost their lives at the Lied shelter last year. Please feel free to come down to the shelter and meet the different rescue groups or take a tour of the shelter. Adoptions will be ongoing, so if you are looking for a pet, the shelter is giving tours and adoption counselors will be on hand. The shelter and rescue groups are also looking for volunteer foster homes as well.

The event will be from 6pm to 9pm at 655 N Mojave Road.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Who is the greatest real estate agent in the world?

Some people put their heads together over at Real Estate Webmasters (REW) and came up with a fun contest: to determine (via google results) who is the Greatest real estate agent in the world. A friend of mine is helping out a friend of his, so I thought I'd help out as well. Please feel free to visit his site and leave a comment, lending him your support. The contest ends on May 1st so I'm sure you'll see some "buzz" on it over the next couple of weeks. The top prize is a nice website from REW, including hosting and idx for life. Not to shabby, and the "price" is completely transferrable. Good luck Eric!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Canine rescue coalition

A quick kudo to Jocelyn Arter for putting together a rescue group coalition in Las Vegas. With the new management at Lied, there has been a fundamental change in the attitude towards rescue groups in Las Vegas. Before patronizing a pet store and helping to perpetuate puppy mills, check out this huge list of Las Vegas dog rescue groups that Jocelyn has put together. The site is brand new and being updated all of the time, so be sure to check back often.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gas bills gone wild

Las Vegas valley residents got a nasty shock last month, in the form of their gas bill. Southwest Gas has been replacing gas meters all over the valley. Ours was replaced on New Year's Eve....just in time for our gas bill to DOUBLE the following month. According to SWG, our usage was the highest ever for the last 2 months. Granted it was an actual winter this year, but we hadn't had the gas fireplace on nor was the heater on the spa used either.

You're not alone

Talking to my neighbors I got the same thing. Their gas bills were twice what they usually were. My wife's nail lady said her bill doubled, and they are gone during the day with the thermostat set in the 60's. She said her bill was still over $300. Has anyone else seen their bills shoot through the roof?


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